
                           Holy Fire® III

Karuna Reiki® Master

with The International Center for Reiki Training


 Becoming a Karuna Reiki® Master is the next progression in your magical, mystical, marvelous journey in Reiki.

Karuna Reiki® is compassion in action. Compassion for yourself, for others and the world around you. Karuna Reiki® will guide and assist you to claim the authority of your own voice and to use your voice as an instrument for high frequency healing.

It will teach you to trust in your intuition and connect you with higher levels of spiritual guidance.
You will become one with the Source of Divine Love, Compassion and Forgiveness.

It will move you toward living as your “Authentic Self”, the beautiful creation of who you really are.

Holy Fire® III Reiki for World Peace will connect you to the Spirit of the Earth, “Mother Nature”. She provides us our home during our physical life and she is in need of our support like never before. It brings us to higher levels of consciousness to help us bring peace on earth.

You must be a Reiki Master for a minimum of 6 months prior to attending a Karuna Reiki® Master class.

Some of what you will learn and receive.

* Multiple Ignitions, (formally called Attunements) which connect you directly to the source of Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®.
* Nine symbols and uses for their unique energetic frequencies.
* Holy Fire® III Healing Experiences to heal and empower you to work with the Karuna Reiki® energies.
* Instruction and practice in giving Karuna Reiki® treatments using chanting and toning techniques that utilize your voice as a gentle yet highly effective healing instrument.
* Instruction and practice on how to teach Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® classes in-person and online.
* The Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master for World Peace Training Manual.
* A certificate of class completion from the International Center for Reiki Training.

Plenty of class-time practice will provide you with confidence to use your new skills and techniques as you take your Reiki adventure to higher levels  of consciousness.

In-person and Online Class

  March 14-15-16,       Hybrid Class in North Idaho 

November 7-8-9,     Hybrid Class in North Idaho

In “hybrid” classes, some students participate live online with the students who are in-person with me.

If you have questions, please email

Tuition Fee $1,375

Virtual students please register at least 7 days prior to class to insure that your class manual arrives before class.

Class hours, 9:30 to 5:30 Pacific Time